Spelljammer Wiki

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Welcome to the Spelljammer Wiki
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We are creating an encyclopedia about Spelljammer and you can help.
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What is Spelljammer?[]

A fantasy campaign setting created for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition) [1] Spelljammer is a unique fantasy universe. A key premise of the Spelljammer setting is that magic allows ships to sail through space[2]. Spelljammer was created by TSR[3] in 1989 and is currently owned by Wizards of the Coast.[4] Beyond being a campaign setting for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd edition) the setting was featured in a series of novels, comics and a 1992 computer game.

Magazines and Digital Journals, licensed by TSR or Wizards of the Coast, have published additional articles and information pertaining to Spelljammer campaign setting. Multiple role playing products and novels from TSR and Wizards of the Coast have contained passing references to Spelljammer within them.

Spelljammer Box Cover

Cover art of the Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space Box Set

Encyclopedia of Wildspace Ports of Call The Library
Information on various aspects of Spelljamming A listing of canonical locations within the Spelljammer Universe. Information of canonical source material for the Spelljammer Universe.
Denizens of Wildspace Organizations in Wildspace The Shipyard
The People of the Spelljammer Universe. The various organizations found throughout Wildspace. Information on the ships found throughout Wildspace
Creatures of Wildspace Mechanics of Spelljammer A Dungeon Master's Guide to Wildspace
Creatures and Monsters that adventures, explorers and characters may encounter in the depths of wildspace.

Baldur's Gate 3 NautiloidAn Illithid Nautiloid Spelljammer ship from the Baldur's Gate III Teaser Trailer.

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Where to start[]

  • Please create an account before you start creating or editing articles on this wiki. The link to create an account is at the top of this page.
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  • There is some advice on getting this wiki started at Help:Starting this wiki
  • A list of all help pages can be found at Category:Help


  1. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd edition) article on Wikipedia
  2. Spelljammer article on Wikipedia
  3. TSR, Inc. article on Wikipedia
  4. Wizards of the Coast article on Wikipedia

External links[]

Beyond the Moons - the official Spelljammer website.
