Spelljammer Wiki

Space clowns are fiendish humanoids of human descent who are native to the crystal sphere known as Clownspace.[1]


Before Space clowns ever existed, their predecessors placed their faith in a god of revelry, who embodied joy and celebration, attracting followers eager for happiness. Their worship ceremonies were and still are centered on festivals and frivolity. The priests of their religion distilled a elixir, known as Thrill Joy, which overtime "blessed" the faithful of their religion with clown-like appearances. The Elixir also transformed them into Fiendish creatures.[1]


Long ago the human inhabitants of the crystal sphere now known as Clownspace began worshipping a god of revelry, practicing elaborate worship ceremonies and festivals of joy and frivolity. The priests of their religion destilled an elixir from the nectar of a bozo flower and demonic ichor, known as Thrill Joy. Unbeknownst to the people of the faith, the effects of Thrill Joy cause them to become addicted to the elixir, their happiness hinging on its ever-increasing consumption. By the time the people become aware of the ingredients of Thrill Joy, they were unable to stop. Over time, Thrill Joy transformed the faithful of their religion into fiendish creatures, and "blessed" them with clown-like appearances.

The Space clowns spread from their Crystal sphere with spelljamming helms acquired from Dohwar merchants, encountering a large variety of other creatures. The space Clowns inspired the ideas of Groundling clowns as well as spreading love and fear of their kind across the multiverse.[1]


Raiding parties of space clowns sustain themselves on the flesh of Humanoids. they sometimes set up residence on populated worlds and celestial objects, setting up carnival tents and festivals to lure unsuspecting onlookers into their clutches for food.[1]


Space clowns acquired their first spelljamming helms from Dohwar merchants. The Space clowns travel around Wildspace and the Astral sea in their extravagantly decorated and overly bright spelljammers.[1]


They are armed with colorfully painted ray guns that work only for them; these toys are harmless in the hands of anyone else. When the ray gun is used it can incapacitate a creature through making them find anything and everything hilarious. Space Clowns also wear shoes that squeak when they walk.[1]


When a Space clown dies, it pops like a balloon, releasing a splash of putrid, corrosive ichor.

Space Clowns possess innate spellcasting abilities, requiring no material components. Due to this ability Space clowns posses many magical abilities such as, climbing walls like spiders, small magical tricks, projecting illusions of themselves, as well as veiling themselves, their clothes, as well as anything they are carrying in a phantasmal form, disguised as some other creature of its size or smaller.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Christopher Perkins, Boo's Astral Menagerie, 2022, (Wizards of the Coast), page 54