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A Nest of Life is a magical item from the Spelljammer campaign setting.[1]


A nest of life resembles a standard crow's nest.


To function, a nest of life must be fixed to the mast of a spelljamming vessel, and attuned to that ship. The attuning process takes 1-4 days. If a crew member is killed or injured on the ship, they may be placed within the nest of life where they will be restored to full hit points. This process takes 1-4 hours and ages the crew member 1-4 years. The nest does not function on someone who was killed or injured while off the ship, and each nest will only work 12 times before being rendered non-magical.


The nests of life were originally created by the gnomish spellcasters of the Stellar Islands in the crystal sphere known as Krynnspace.


  1. Jean Rabe, SJR7 Krynnspace, 1993, (TSR Inc.), New Magical Items chapter, page 94