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The Lost Ones are a forgotten humanoid race from the Spelljammer campaign setting.[1][2]


Not much is known about the "Lost Ones", not even their true name, and while records of their origin have long since faded, frightening tales are told of their demise. What is known is that the Lost Ones were a humanoid race from a distant sphere who were fond of mechanisms. The more subtle and clever their devices, the better they liked them. In the end, however, their own love of such toys brought them down. One of their most brilliant artificers built a magnificent adamantite machine with workings so advanced that none but he could fathom its operation. In addition, he wove powerful spells about the construct, bestowing on it intelligence and mystical abilities. In gratitude for its creation, the adamantite machine destroyed him.

Over the course of the next few decades, the adamantite horror built an army of mechanical followers, each in its own image, but of lesser quality. As the horrors slowly rose to dominance in their sphere, they eliminated all biological life. In the end, they tore apart the worlds in their sphere and used the raw materials they obtained to build more and more of their kind.

Centuries passed, and the clockwork horrors would have been doomed to remain within the sphere of the Lost Ones if they hadn't been visited by a fleet of neogi deathspiders. The neogi had come looking for slaves and "cattle" to feast upon; instead they found death. One by one their ships were taken from them, and one by one they and their umber hulk slaves were forced into the lifejammers.[2] The clockwork horrors managed to reverse engineer the spelljamming technology, allowing them to ply the spacelanes. Some believe their first act was to locate the neogi's lost homeworld and consume it utterly.[3]

Now that they were able to journey between crystal spheres, the clockwork horrors began to spread. Each crystal sphere they entered was violated and the worlds within were plundered. For those living in these doomed spheres, there was no escape.[1]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Editor Jon Pickens, Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Four, 1998, (TSR, Inc), ISBN: 0-7869-1212-X, pages 17-18
  2. 2.0 2.1 William W. Connors, MC7 Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix, 1990, (TSR Inc.), Clockwork Horror entry
  3. Eric Cagle, "The Ecology of the Clockwork Horror", Dragon Magazine #350, 2006, (Paizo Publishing), page 59