- AD&D Adventures in Space
- Aarakocra
- Aartuk
- Aartukia
- Aasterinian
- Abbathor
- Accelerator
- Achemon
- Achemon (lich)
- Adhesive bolt
- Adima the Peg
- Adrin Willowleaf
- Aebrynis
- Aebrynisspace
- Aelivere
- Aerdrie Faenya
- Aerlofalyn
- Air dragon
- Air envelope
- Airenfir
- Airslug
- Airsphere
- Alabeth
- Alaikyn Droon
- Alanti
- Alaphon
- Alaron
- Alathaera
- Albari
- Alchemy plant
- Aldyn Leafbower
- Alekra Donakkis
- Allen Varney
- Alliya Makabuck
- Allura
- Alphonso the Grand
- Altark
- Amaan
- Amaimon
- Amaunator's belt
- Amroch
- Amulet of arachnid control
- An Ching Wang
- Anadia
- Anadian halfling
- Anadis Starlight
- Anadjiin
- Anchor
- Anchor hoist
- Anchor of staying
- Anchor shocking
- Ancient mariner
- Ande D‘Vis
- Andeloid
- Angela Lokotz
- Angelika Lokotz
- Angelship
- Annam
- Anne Brown
- Antennae of triangulation
- Anti-magic egg
- Antilan
- Antlership
- Aperusa
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Arborianna
- Arcane
- Arcane Inner Flow
- Arcane Outer Flow
- Arcanist
- Arch lich
- Archaic Man-O-War
- Ares
- Argos
- Argosy
- Arhoad
- Aric Cozar
- Arisai Heliwing
- Arm blade
- Armada
- Armistice
- Armon
- Armor of the arcane
- Arquebus
- Artemis
- Artifact
- Artifurnace
- Arvoreen
- Ashen
- Ashspace
- Asril
- Assungy Lustros
- Astereater
- Asteroid
- Asteroid belt (Greatspace)
- Asteroid spider
- Astrolabe
- Astrologer
- Astromundi Cluster
- Astromundi Cluster, The
- Astronomer
- Astrosphinx
- Astrylon
- Asylum
- Atalan
- Athas
- Athasspace
- Athena
- Atmosphere cloak
- Atropus
- Auril
- Autognome
- Avani
- Avarien
- Aylia
- Azahn Kyli
- Azer
- Azuth
- Babia
- Baervan Wildwanderer
- Bahamut
- Ballista
- Ballista, Dual-mount
- Ballista bolt
- Bane
- Barabas
- Baragor
- Barbuda
- Barge of Ptah
- Baris
- Barracuda
- Barrara
- Barre Sinister
- Barukhaza
- Basa Lianin
- Bash
- Basif the Blue
- Basket of devouring
- Batship, The
- Battle Cry
- Battle of Kule
- Battle spider
- Battle star
- Battlewagon
- Beacon Arcane
- Beastmaster, The
- Beckner Ironjaw
- Beholder
- Beholder-kin
- Beholder armor
- Beholder mage
- Beholder way-station
- Belaying pin
- Beldasker
- Belinik
- Bell-pod
- Bell of warning
- Belonda Artes
- Belt of the arcane
- Bereth Lemuron
- Berl Mooncrest
- Berronar Truesilver
- Berwick
- Beshaba
- Beyond the Moons
- Beyond the Moons/Index
- Bionoid
- Bjornil Wulftyr
- Black Clouds, The
- Black Company, The
- Black Dog
- Blackheart
- Blackjammer
- Blackjammer's Cutlass
- Blackleg Bart
- Blade
- Blase Terror
- Blayze
- Blazozoid
- Bloatfly
- Blood Feast
- Blood red sun (Herospace)
- Bloodjack
- Bloodsac
- Blotomus
- Blunt ram
- Boarding pike
- Boarding plank
- Boccob
- Bodi
- Bolaship
- Bombard
- Bombard shot
- Bondel
- Bootknife
- Boots of star striding
- Boran
- Borden
- Boreworm
- Borka
- Borka Retribution Fleet
- Boroda
- Bors
- Bosk giant
- Box-helm
- Box of preservation
- Boyarny
- Bracers of invulnerability
- Brain Eater
- Branchala (deity)
- Brandobaris
- Brassons
- Broken Sphere, The
- Broken Sphere, The/Index
- Brom
- Bron Stoneheart
- Bruin Shambrath
- Bugbear
- Bungel
- Bungel's asteroid ship
- Burbur
- Burnayette Skyansdanya
- Bustlum
- Buzzjewel
- CGR1 The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook
- Cabinet of air restoration
- Cableslide
- Caer Windlauer
- Cain
- Calandia
- Calia Thornbow
- Calidian
- Calimar
- Camaxtli
- Cambrigha
- Cap'n Gyudd
- Captain Thud
- Caralhon
- Caravel
- Cargo Barge
- Cargo hoist
- Carryl Landis
- Cartography
- Castaway
- Catamaran
- Catamaran (elven)
- Catapult
- Catapult stone
- Caz-Adar
- Celestial body
- Celestian
- Centaur
- Centeotl
- Cerekazadh
- Cerena
- Chain of Tears, The
- Chainmen Traders
- Chakarak
- Chalchihuitlicue
- Chalice of continual water
- Chandalar
- Chandos
- Chandos fish
- Chandrasakar
- Chaostromme
- Charon
- Chattur
- Chauntea
- Chemosh
- Chemosh (deity)
- Chill fire
- Ching Tao Ling
- Chiros Pellinore
- Chislev
- Chislev (deity)
- Chodak (deity)
- Chokablock Axunge
- Choke creeper
- Chollo plant
- Chonnot
- Chronicles of the Dark Fist
- Chronos
- Church of Celestian
- Church of Ptah
- Citadel
- Citadel of the Keepers of the Flame
- Clanggedin Silverbeard
- Clipper
- Clira Firestorm
- Clive the Fearsome
- Cloaking helm
- Cloakmaster Cycle, The
- Clockwork horror
- Cloud roach
- Clouds of Freezing Vapor
- Coaster
- Coat of the seas
- Code Helm
- Cog
- Coliar
- Collapse portal
- Collector
- Colonial grell
- Color Spray Nebula
- Colossus
- Comet K'Thoutek
- Comet steed
- Company of the Chalice, The
- Comporellon
- Conatha
- Cone ram
- Cones of communication
- Conflagrator
- Constellate
- Constellations of Clusterspace
- Contact home power
- Contemplator
- Corbina
- Coronet of the Nation
- Corundum
- Costepen
- Courier
- Create air
- Create atmosphere
- Create major helm
- Create minor helm
- Create portal
- Crescent
- Crescent whip
- Crew caster
- Crimson Caravan
- Crispyleaf
- Croakumshire Taniwha-Tanquam
- Crow's nest
- Crow's nest (gnomish)
- Crown of Corellon
- Crown of the Stars
- Crown of the Void
- Crusader
- Crypt servant
- Crystal King
- Crystal Ship
- Crystal citadel
- Crystal sphere