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Burnayette Skyansdanya was the pilot of the terrifying marauder known as the Batship in the Spelljammer campaign setting.[1][2]


Burnayette Skyansdanya was the pilot of the mysterious pirate ship known as the Batship which had preyed on shipping throughout Realmspace for at least 200 years.[1] While the asteroid cluster known as the Tears of Selûne appeared to be the Batship's main area of operations, the vessel had been seen throughout the crystal sphere.[2] Near the center of the asteroid cluster was a small hollowed out asteroid, known by the crew of the Batship as the Cave, which served as a hidden base as well as a place for them to store supplies and any loot they had acquired.[3]


Burnayette was a female human Astral mage of great power and was over 900 years old due to the preserving effects of the box-helm.


When Burnayette first entered the Batship's unique box-helm 900 years ago, she discovered that she was trapped within the cube-like magical construct and was cut off from the rest of the universe. While the helm ensured that she didn't age and provided for all her physiological needs, the centuries of enforced sensory deprivation (except for pain) had a detrimental effect on a her mental health, driving her insane. In her more lucid moments, she claimed that she was waiting for the ship's creator to return and free her from the curse that kept her at the helm.[1]


While Burnayette did not have any personal possessions, her crew stored all their stolen loot within their lair somewhere near the center of the Tears of Selûne.[3]



Burnayette had been married to a powerful mage by the name of Sarelk, who created the Batship and its unique box-helm. When Burnayette used a wish spell to enter the box-helm, she discovered that she was trapped, and in despair she fled her home sphere in the ship. Sarelk followed her, in the hope of one day freeing her from her prison.[4]


While Burnayette had absolute control over all aspects of the Batship, the vessel required a nominal crew to operate the four ballistae mounted on its decks, as well as perform basic maintenance.[2] The crew consisted of twelve human pirates, eight of whom were woman, who had all been charmed by the ship (as per the spell) as soon as they came onboard.[5]


Burnayette Skyansdanya was originally from a crystal sphere so distant that it took over 700 years to reach Realmspace. When her husband Sarelk first created the Batship over 900 years ago,[4] Burnayette used a wish spell to enter the vessel's uniquely powerful box-helm. However, she discovered to her horror that she was trapped within the obsidian cube-shaped magical construct,[1] and in despair she fled her home sphere. According to ancient tales, she most likely visited Krynnspace before travelling to Realmspace, where she remained for over 200 years.[2]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Dale "Slade" Henson, SJR2 Realmspace, 1991, (TSR Inc.), Important NPCs section, Toril chapter, page 31
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Dale "Slade" Henson, SJR2 Realmspace, 1991, (TSR Inc.), The Batship section, page 90
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dale "Slade" Henson, SJR2 Realmspace, 1991, (TSR Inc.), Tears of Selûne section, Toril chapter, page 30
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dale "Slade" Henson, SJR2 Realmspace, 1991, (TSR Inc.), Lumbe section, H'Catha chapter, page 50
  5. Dale "Slade" Henson, SJR2 Realmspace, 1991, (TSR Inc.), The Batship section, page 91